Azari Sp. z o.o. projektuje i wykonuje najnowocześniejsze rozwiązania telekomunikacyjne i teleinformatyczne na obszarze kraju. Do tej pory naszymi Klientami byli:
› ATEM Polska
› ORANGE Polska S.A.
W ramach umowy ramowej z TP – TELTECH realizowaliśmy inwestycje ORANGE S.A. Pracowaliśmy również jako podwykonawcy dla wielu firm krajowych i zagranicznych, w tym Spółdzielni mieszkaniowych z terenu Śląska, Małopolski i Podkarpacia oraz Katowickie Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Telekomunikacyjnych.
Jesteśmy godnym zaufania Partnerem Biznesowym.
From the beginning, mcgarrybowen was built differently, on the simple premise that clients deserve better. So we built a company committed to delivering just that. A company that believes, with every fiber of its being, that it exists to serve clients, build brands, and grow businesses.
From the beginning, mcgarrybowen was built differently, on the simple premise that clients deserve better. So we built a company committed to delivering just that. A company that believes, with every fiber of its being, that it exists to serve clients, build brands, and grow businesses.
From the beginning, mcgarrybowen was built differently, on the simple premise that clients deserve better. So we built a company committed to delivering just that. A company that believes, with every fiber of its being, that it exists to serve clients, build brands, and grow businesses.